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28 for 28 Meditation Challenge

We are losing 8 Aussies every single day to suicide. We need to unite in order to support the mental health of Australians right now. So Making Meditation Mainstream is reaching out to companies who care about our community as much as they do, to join the 28 for Twenty Eight this October, Mental Health Month.

‘28 for 28’ is a campaign created by Making Meditation Mainstream (MMM) in aid of raising funds for Lifeline Australia and motivating and empowering people to meditate to support their mental wellbeing.

Jason Partington from Making Meditation Mainstream and Meditation for Men.

Did you know it costs Lifeline $28 to have a trained telephone crisis supporter answer a call? Lifeline’s 24/7 crisis line, 13 11 14, receives a call every 30 seconds. This is an increase of 25% as a result of COVID-19, equating to over 3000 calls a day.

Making Meditation Mainstream (MMM) has teamed up with LIFELINE to provide Australians with an online campaign aimed at connection and community during Mental Health Month in October 2020, called the 28 for TWENTY EIGHT.

The 28 for TWENTY EIGHT campaign will ask Aussies to commit to 28 days of simple 10 minutes breath meditation each day with the goal to raise a minimum of $28 for Lifeline.

MMM will run live meditations and premium audio sessions daily that can be shared and replayed by anyone, anytime, anywhere. There will also be a series of informational, educational and inspirational content available throughout the 28 day campaign to raise awareness of mental health to support people and help keep them motivated and united in the 28 for 28 community.  .

How Can You HELP?


Australian companies need to acknowledge that mental health matters, and to step up to be a part of the solution.


Promote 28 for TWENTY EIGHT by encouraging your staff and their families to participate, as a way of acknowledging the importance of mental health and providing solutions.


Consider offering a fundraising match challenge as a demonstration of your corporate level support.

How Does It Work?

Employees follow a simple registration process at and can choose to fundraise individually or as a team. This campaign is for everyone. All you have to do is meditate for 10 minutes a day and raise $1 or more each day.

We really hope you will get behind this campaign and help us raise funds for Lifeline and improve the mental health of Australians. Over 65,000 Australians make a suicide attempt each year; 28 for 28 is a proactive mental health movement for prevention.


Contact Us

Thanks for submitting, one of our mentors will be in touch soon!


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